The legionary of Lata Petra
Paul Christophe Abel
Published Friday 20 October 2017
All the versions of this article: [English] [français]
From Lata Petra, a Celtic community in the Vosges forests where he was born, Aulus Dagillius Lupulus, a young Roman citizen, leaves to join the Roman Legion to quench his thirst for adventure through the roads of the Empire.
From the battlefields of Germania to the intrigues and perversions of Rome, he will experience the clash of arms and the bites of love.
The story of Lupulus plunges us into every detail of the imperial daily life of the 2nd century AD. A dazzling reconstruction.
Author: Paul Christophe Abel is a trainer and ethics graduate, he is also passionate about literature and art. He lives near Brumath, the former Roman capital of Lower Alsace. He is a member of the History and Archaeology Society of Brumath and the surrounding area and has a passion for ancient history.
Genre: Historical novel
Number of pages: 416
Keywords: Adventure - war - love - history - life - Roman Empire
Audience: Young Adult - Adult
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